Monday, September 03, 2007

Who do you choose??

Someone asked me: Who would you choose, the one you love but doesn't love you back, or the one who loves you but you don't love?


For the nth time I've heard that question again. I wonder what these people see in me that they pick me, of all people, to answer. Again, I gave a second to think about it. And again, I gave the same answer: No one. Because either way is like a broken pencil - POINTLESS. Get it? There is just no point of being committed in a relationship when one of you is into it while the other is not. Life is short. So it is not advisable to focus your time and energy on someone who doesn't care, think, or even look at you the same way.

And when you pick the one who loves you but you don't love, doesn't the word SELFISH ring a bell? Why would you let his/her world revolve around you when you know for yourself that he/she deserves better? It's not cool to always leave someone hanging. In case you haven't noticed yet, people have feelings, they get hurt, and they have a life to live. Be considerate enough to spare them of the pain you will cause in the long run. Stop thinking that you're the only thing in this world worth paying attention to.

So there's my answer, friend - either both of you are on the same ride or it's not gonna happen. Easier said than done. But who said life is easy?


Admin said...

Just a question , Why don't you monetize this site.

tessa said...

hmmm...never thought of that before..

thanks for dropping by. :)